Today vs Yesterday - Summary since  midnight local time

  Temperature    Today    Difference    Yesterday
High Temperature °F at  -2.8 °F °F at 
Low Temperature °F at  2.6 °F °F at 
Temperature Range °F -5.4 °F °F
High Heat Index at  -0.8 at 
Low Wind Chill °F at  2.6 °F °F at 
  Rainfall    Today    Difference    Yesterday
Rainfall in 0 in in
Rainfall Rate Max in/hr at  0 in/hr in/hr at 
High Hourly Rainfall in at  0 in in at 
Days Since Last Dry Day 0
Days Since It Last Rained 9
  Wind    Today    Difference    Yesterday
Highest Gust mph at  2 mph mph at 
Highest Speed (Max) mph at  1 mph mph at 
Wind Run miles 26.1 miles miles
Dominant Direction ° E ° ENE
  Humidity    Today    Difference    Yesterday
High Humidity % at  1 % % at 
Low Humidity % at  10 % % at 
  Pressure    Today    Difference    Yesterday
High Pressure (SL) in at  -0.03 in in at 
Low Pressure (SL) in at  -0.08 in in at 
  Solar    Today    Difference    Yesterday
High Solar Radiation W/m² at  47 W/m² W/m² at 
Hours of Sunshine 0.8
  UV    Today    Difference    Yesterday
High UV at  -0 at 

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